Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I have only love. . .

photo: A Fanciful Twist
So, I tend to get a little obsessive at times. I find something I like, love, desire or am just fascinated with. And then. . . it's over. It is all I can think about. I seek it out in all parts of my life and apply it to every possible scenario ad nauseum until I move on to the next fabulous thing. I have always been this way. It is who I am. So what is this thing I am infatuation with you ask? Gypsies.
photo: jendoscope.wordpress.com
Yes, Gypsies. I have books, movies, music and clothes, all oozing with this beautiful bohemian lifestyle. So it is only natural that I would take this new love affair I am having and apply it to my first and longest running love. Design!
It isn't that hard. I just imagine traveling the dusty roads in my vardo and having all of my worldly possessions in this tiny, wandering existence. I see deep jewel tones, dimmed lights, sparkly, jingly things abound. I smell a musky perfume in the air. AAAHHHHHhhhhh. Heaven.
photo: unknown
I may never have a vardo, although I never try to say never. However, my other love, of the manly nature, has promised me an Airstream for a significant date in our future. Okay, so he didn't promise as much as I told him that this is a non-negotiable need and made the promise for him :) In this airstream of mine I will have parked on a hefty piece of land on our property (this just keeps getting better. . .) I will turn this fantasy into reality. It will be my office for my business No Good Riding Hood. It will have all of the things mentioned above. Then, and only then, can I let this compulsion go.
What is your ultimate, seediest, dirtiest design fantasy??
Winks. . .

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